Old Tree Essentials

Aromatic Distillates Mobile Distillations

What is distillation?

Distillation is an ancient art form dating back thousands of years. A process in which the forces of nature combine to refine matter into a higher state. This process has been stewarded by shamans, priests and medicine men.

In a poetic and alchemical way distillation is a process of death and rebirth. A meaning that is not to be underestimated. We often talk about distillation as a process that can apply to us, and our emotional lives just as much as to the plants we work with. We all undergo a process in which heat, or passion, is continually increased until there is a point of no return. We boil and certain parts of us have to die off in order for our essence to come forth. Parts are left behind while more refined parts come into being. Then we may condense back into a physical form and represent more of who we really are, our true essence.

Old Tree Essentials